by admin
by admin

Burrrrrrrr is the word lately. It’s been extremely cold this past week, well below zero at many locations. Good news is temperature will moderate a bit this weekend.
Mid Season dry spell: after 3 weeks of lots of snow in December we’re in the midst of 3 weeks of little snowfall. That seems to happen every year and as was the case in late November/Early December the storm track just needs to shift a bit to get the storms coming back to the Colorado and New Mexico mountains. So, don’t panic if you’re trip is coming up since snow can pile up in a hurry once that change happens. It’s very rare to have a season like last year that there was very little snow in Feb and March, just the opposite of the prior year when Colorado never really had a ‘dry spell’. The present conditions are good on green and blue terrain. Black/expert runs can be sketchy in spots depending upon the area and how steep the terrain.
Speaking of cold, keep an eye on your riding companions and if you notice any gray or white patches of skin it’s a sign of frostbite. Go inside immediately. Do not rub the skin. Gently warm the area with warm water or with wet heat until the skin appears red and warm. If no water is nearby, breathe on the area through cupped hands and hold it next to your body. Frostbitten skin tends to be more susceptible to repeat frostbite so only warm the skin if you can keep it warm and out of the cold for awhile. Serious cases need to see a doctor right away.
Group Leader Tip: make sure your group members know where they are staying. If they can at least remember that they can ask locals how to get back to your lodging.
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Nam lacinia arcu tortor, nec luctus nibh dignissim eu nulla sit amet maximus.
Nam lacinia arcu tortor, nec luctus nibh dignissim eu nulla sit amet maximus.